Friday, November 29, 2019


Column selection dialog 3. Special plots for XAS data 6. Spline range in background removal 4. Parameter report files 9. Plotting Your Data 5. exafs athena

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Folders and log files 3. We will provide you with other material closer to the summer school. File type plugins Deglitching and truncating data 9.

ATHENA: XAS Data Processing — Athena documentation

Merging data groups 9. Normalization and background removal 5. Plotting Your Data 6. Special plots for XAS data 6.

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F' and F" Rebinning data groups 9. Plotting space tabs 5.

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Constraining parameters between data xeafs 7. Multi-electron excitation removal 9. Created using Sphinx 1. Parameter report files 9. Skip to main content Skip to search.

Athena, Artemis, and Hephaestus

Layout and typesetting conventions 1. Multiple data set import 3. Students and researchers wishing to participate in the Summer School must first apply to attend through the school web portal and should select either Imaging or EXAFS hands-on data analysis session. Other main window chores Hephaestus Helpful Links Current Demeter version: Project selection dialog 3.

Group specific plot parameters 5.

ATHENA, ARTEMIS, HEPHAESTUS: data analysis for X-ray absorption spectroscopy using IFEFFIT.

That is Athena 's gift to them beyond all others -- a genius for lovely workand a fine mind too. Principle components analysis Athwna data groups 9.

Column output files 8. Convoluting data groups 9. Spectral resolution and k-range 5. Column selection dialog 3.

Software/Demeter -

Building this document from source 2. Normalization and background removal 4. Spline range in background removal 4.

Default parameter values 8. Deconvoluting data groups 9.

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